Annual General Meeting
A Year of New Growth and Discovery Through Key Partnerships and Collaboration

TRIDENT (the TRanslational Initiative to DE-risk NeuroTherapeutics) is the culmination of thirty years of collaborative research in diverse fields of neuroscience, brought together in a groundbreaking proof-of-concept approach to preclinical evaluation of neurotherapeutics. By integrating the appropriate testing models with the best technology and teams of world-leading experts, TRIDENT will make it less risky to develop treatments for brain diseases, will save companies money, and will help get effective therapies to patients faster. We are grateful for the support of a $24M grant from the Government of Canada’s New Frontiers in Research Fund (NFRF) to demonstrate the efficacy of this revolutionary platform.
In November of 2024, we welcomed over a hundred of our valued team members and key stakeholders to our first Annual General Meeting. The TRIDENT AGM provided a unique opportunity to dive into the latest progress towards TRIDENT’s goals and to collaborate with peers who are shaping the future of neuroscience drug discovery. Over the course of the AGM, participants were able to participate in dynamic presentations, interactive workshops, and exciting networking opportunities led by some of the most respected experts in our field. Each session was carefully curated to encourage thought-provoking discussions and practical takeaways for our diverse audience of attendees. The event was a resounding success and valuable connections were forged and strengthened.
As we look to our third year of research growth and development in TRIDENT, we will use the valuable insights to date and those gained over the course of the AGM, and continue to build critical strategic partnerships. We invite you to learn more by checking out the 2024 AGM highlights below, exploring our website, or by connecting with a member of our team at any time.
Dr. Ravi Menon,
TRIDENT Principal Investigator

2024 AGM
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